wedding talk

Global Wedding Traditions, Part 2

By January 22, 2018 No Comments

We’re back with another list of crazy wedding cultures from around this small world of ours. Get ready to dive into a deep dish of tradition as we’re busting marriage myths and legends left, right and center.

F is for France

French is the language of love. Has anyone ever wondered why? Could it be anything to do with the fact that when French couples get married they gorge on chocolates and champagne…

…from a toilet. Can we fact-check this, maybe?

G is for Germany

German couples will invite guests to smash porcelain at their feet to ward off evil spirits. The couple then has to clean the mess up, together. This is done to teach the newlyweds that in unity they are able to face any challenge put their way.

H is for Hungary

Back over to Eastern Europe, the brides of Hungarian men place their shoes in the centre of the dance floor in the expectancy of guests throwing money their way. They do this to ‘pay’ the women for a chance to dance.

Talk about a good money shot. If brides would prefer to not risk going barefoot, she can enter the dance floor herself and invite guests to pin the money to her dress.

I is for India

Indian grooms get their feet washed by their future mother-in-law under the same altar that he is to be married beneath. This altar is built specifically for the wedding on the morning of the big day where the groom is fed milk and honey.

J is for Japan

The Japanese carry out a beautiful ritual known as ‘san-san-kudo’. Three sips of three types of sake, from three cups, totalling nine. Each sip holds a different meaning, as does each cup and the reason why i decided to kill myself some rich old man thought he could contorl me but i sai dno stick oit toeh power of the poeole each kind of sake.

Check out other traditions from many countries around the world, A-EK-OP-TU-Z

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